variety of skin lesions, such as pigmented naevi, warts or genital warts can be removed with laser or scalpel. Surgical removal of skin lesions allows for getting rid of lesions of different nature and size. During a scalpel procedure, a physician cut out the lesions, which ensures an excellent aesthetic effect. Lesions are removed with a small margin of healthy tissue and a resulting scar is small. Once the postoperative area has healed, visibility of the scar can be reduced with laser treatments. Surgical removal of skin lesions enables not only for restoring flawless appearance of the skin. The excised skin tissue can be subjected to histopathological examination. This is particularly important in the case of skin lesions that may be neoplastic. Then the only way to accurately assess the lesion is a histopathological examination. A skin specimen is evaluated under a microscope for presence of atypical cells.
Laser removal of skin lesion is used in case of such lesions as genital warts, warts, fibromas and milk spots, as well as xanthomas. The procedure immediately removes skin lesions without leaving scars. The laser beam impacts the tissue and produces a photocoagulation effect. The laser heats up the water located in the tissue and leads to its evaporation. This is accompanied by tissue coagulation and thus removal of the unwanted skin lesion. This method of skin lesion removal is recommended primarily when there is no need to perform a histopathological examination.
After laser or surgical removal of skin lesions, the Patient must follow several post-treatment recommendations. The most important one is the appropriate care of the site from which the skin lesion was removed. The sauna and swimming pool, hot baths, and exposure to the sun must be avoided. The Patient must use anti-UV filters. Physical activity is also not recommended.