+48 578 364 251


Revitalisation of the vagina and labia majora with platelet rich plasma allows for rejuvenation of the intimate parts and restoration of their flawless appearance. But not only that – the procedure also strengthens the skin, makes it more flexible, provides nutrition and oxygenation of tissues, ensures optimal level of hydration. It is a perfect solution for atrophy of the labia majora progressing with age.
Labia majora revitalisation is a procedure with platelet rich plasma. This platelet concentrate is obtained from the Patient’s blood, so the first stage of the procedure is collecting a 50-60 ml blood sample and centrifuge it. After obtaining several ml of plasma this natural preparation is introduced with a thin needle into the labia majora area. The procedure takes only several minutes and does not require any preparation or recovery. 2-3 procedures should be performed at monthly intervals.




Revitalisation of the labia majora with platelet rich plasma is a safe procedure with spectacular results. Thanks to the use of an autologous preparation obtained from the Patient, the procedure is completely safe. First the labia are anaesthetised with cream and then a blood sample is collected from the Patient. The platelet rich plasma obtained after centrifugation is injected shallowly into the labia tissues with the use of a thin needle. The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes.

The procedure results in comprehensive rejuvenation and firming of the labia majora. Platelet rich plasma stimulates synthesis of collagen fibres, contributes to better blood supply to the tissues, their strengthening and firming. Thanks to that, the labia majora can regain their former volume and elasticity. The first effects are noticeable within a month after performing the procedures – then synthesis of collagen fibres and new blood vessels is stimulated. For best results, the procedure should be repeated two or three times. During the first several hours after the procedure the skin may be red and swollen, but these symptoms quickly disappear. All unwanted effects of the pricks disappear within a few days. During the first 10 days, the Patient should avoid sport, intercourse, bathing, swimming, sauna. Only gentle skin care products should be used.



Vaginal revitalisation with platelet rich plasma involves injecting a concentrate of blood platelets into the mucous membrane. The procedure stimulates fibroblasts to synthesise collagen fibres, activate formation of new blood vessels and support regenerative processes. Vaginal rejuvenation with platelet rich plasma is indicated in the following situations: – increased vaginal dryness
– pain during intercourse
– stress incontinence
– support of vaginal regeneration after laser or surgical procedures
– frequent vaginal infections
– vaginal atrophy in the course of menopause, especially in case of inability to use hormone replacement therapy
The procedure takes several minutes and is preceded by topical anaesthesia and collection of a blood sample from which platelet concentrate is obtained. Then, the plasma is introduced with a thin needle into the vaginal tissues. It stimulates natural regenerative processes and the first effects are noticeable already 3-4 weeks after the procedure. Vaginal walls are strengthened and more elastic, vaginal dryness is reduced, and susceptibility to intimate infections decreases. Women feel a difference in the quality of sexual contacts, which provide much more stimuli. 2-3 procedures should be performed with a frequency of one procedure per month and the effects last up to two years.


Atrophy of the labia majora and vagina is a fairly common female condition which increases with age. Labial atrophy is mainly observed in mature women entering the menopause. There is a physiological decrease in the level of oestrogens, i.e. female sex hormones. Oestrogen receptors are located, among others, within the vagina, labia, urethra or bladder. Lower levels of these hormones are accompanied by a decrease in the synthesis of collagen fibres. This manifests itself not only in a worsening of the condition of the skin on the face and faster noticeable ageing of the skin, but also in changes in intimate part appearance.

Atrophy of the labia minora and the vagina leads to gradual disappearance of tissues and a decrease in their volume. This has a negative effect not only on aesthetics, but also on the loss of protection of the vaginal vestibule. Therefore, irritation and inflammation occur more frequently. Vaginal atrophy consists in a decrease in mucous membrane thickness, loss of its elasticity as well as decrease in gland activity. As a consequence, excessive vaginal dryness occurs, which leads to painful intercourse. Moreover, a gentle pH balance of the vagina is disturbed, which increases the susceptibility to infections. Eventually, noticeable changes in the appearance of the labia majora, decreased libido, burning and itching of the intimate parts may occur. Decreased oestrogen levels and atrophy of the intimate parts can even be accompanied by urinary incontinence. Hormone replacement therapy can be applied to some women affected by these consequences of menopause. Women who do not wish to or cannot undergo such therapy can reduce the negative effects of menopause on the intimate parts with the use of platelet rich plasma injections in the labia minora and vagina. This procedure is free of side effects, since plasma is a fully biocompatible material and does not cause allergies or irritation.

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During the consultation, we discuss the expected effect and chose the best method for the Patient. Before the treatment an anaesthetic ointment is applied, which significantly reduces pain sensations – the injections feel similar to mosquito bites. During the procedure, the preparation is administered with a very thin needle into the relevant parts.


Platelet rich plasma contains growth factors that extremely effectively activates regenerative processes. The effect of injecting tissues is stimulation of collagen fibres synthesis, formation of new blood vessels and thus better nutrition and oxygenation of cells. Platelet rich plasma strengthens tissues of intimate regions, supports healing of post-treatment wounds. It restores flawless appearance of the labia majora, rejuvenating and firming the skin. The procedure perfectly improves regeneration processes after other procedures in the field of aesthetic gynaecology, such as laser vaginal narrowing or perineoplasty. In addition, the procedure can result in reduction of pain sensations that occur, for example, during cycling.


The procedure does not require much preparation.

Do not consume alcohol, caffeine or drugs 24 hours before the procedure.

One week before the procedure, do not take common painkillers, as they thin the blood and may cause more bruising after insertions. Garlic and onion have a similar effect.

If you take NSAIDs, talk to your GP and ask if you can discontinue them two weeks before your procedure. If your GP refuses, don’t discontinue your medication on your own! The procedure can still be performed, but you must expect more bruising.

Two weeks before the procedure, you can start taking vitamin C, which will strengthen capillary walls and thus reduce formation of bruises.


Recovery is very quick; injection marks, swelling, redness and possible bruising are visible for up to 2-3 days.


There are not many contraindications to the procedure, but they must be taken into consideration. Below you will find the most important of them.

Asymptomatic carrier of hepatitis B or hepatitis C.

Viral hepatitis often affects autoimmune reactions. It mainly depends on the stage of the disease as well as its activity. Only your attending physician may decide whether you are eligible for a aesthetic medicine procedure. Ask them for a written consent for the procedure. Only then, we can perform the procedure.


In case of advanced diabetes wound healing is impaired. However, when treated and controlled, diabetes is not a problem. If you have diabetes, please ask your attending physician for a written consent for the aesthetic medicine procedure and present it to us on the day of the procedure.

Active cancer.

Cancer that occurred less than 5 years prior to the procedure.

Chemo- and radiotherapy

Autoimmune diseases apart from thyroid disease, acquired vitiligo, and alopecia areata. For example, these diseases include psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, sarcoidosis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis.

Treatment with Izotec or its substitutes less than 6 months prior the procedure date.

Steroids, except asthma medications and inhaled steroids, taken less than one month prior to the scheduled procedure.

Fungal medications or antibiotics taken less than one week prior to the procedure.

Tendency to keloids.



Pregnancy and breastfeeding. We do not perform procedures in pregnant ladies or nursing mothers, even with the physician’s consent. When it comes to children, one can’t be too careful!

Asymptomatic HIV infection or active AIDS.

Skin diseases in the planned treatment site.

Fever, viral or bacterial infection on the day of the procedure.



Our clinic was established in 2005, which has allowed us to gain extensive experience. We have already performed over 35,000 treatments. Our metamorphoses are known as the most spectacular in Poland. We can easily create very natural or extremely expressive effects for you.


At Princesse® we use only the highest quality preparations coming directly from the manufacturers. The high quality of services is confirmed by over 800 customer opinions collected on Booksy and Facebook, the average of which is 5/5.


In our treatments, we focus on strict adherence to procedures - regardless of which of our locations you choose, you will encounter the same advanced treatment techniques, which is due to our central training center for employees and very high staff requirements.


Princesse® is a modern aesthetic medicine clinic and training centre. It was established in 2005. Thanks to extensive experience and over 35,000 procedures performed to date, we have been able to select only the best procedures and equipment.
Princesse® employs highly specialised medical and cosmetology staff, who continue to improve their skills by participating in seminars and conferences devoted to the fields they practice, both in Poland and worldwide.
At Princesse®, we focus on naturalness and perfection as well as spectacular effects presented by models and celebrities. We believe that aesthetic medicine procedures are meant not to be a disguise, but to emphasise and highlight the strengths that each of us has.





Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 10.00 AM-6.00 PM

Sat-Sun: closed


Our clinics

are disabled-friendly.

Address in Warsaw:

Warsaw, Włochy

ul. Instalatorów 5a/U2

02-237 Warsaw

Address in Wroclaw:

Wrocław, Krzyki

ul. Rymarska 14

53-206 Wrocław

Address in Cracow:

Cracow, Old Town

ul. Józefa Dietla 50/15

31-039 Cracow


Trams no. 18, 22, 52.


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