Erectile problems can occur in both older and younger men. There are a lot of causes of erectile dysfunctions. Nowadays, they are more and more frequently caused by unhealthy lifestyle. This means insufficient amount of sleep, use of stimulants (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs), exposure to stress, sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet. Then a detailed medical interview with the Patient is necessary in order to indicate the potential cause of erectile problems. The medical history is also very helpful if erectile dysfunction result from the use of certain medications. The use of neuroleptics, antidepressants, hormonal or antiepileptic medications can lead to erection problems.
In some men, erectile problems is caused by nervous tension, mental deterioration, depression. In case of such a suspicion, we advise consulting a psychologist or psychiatrist and implementation of appropriate treatment (pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy). Many cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by concomitant conditions. They may include hormonal disorders connected with increase in the level of prolactin, disorders of the level of testosterone or thyroid hormones. Another disease leading to erectile dysfunction may be polyneuropathy, or peripheral nerve dysfunction. Another possible cause is a disease involving damage to blood vessel walls. These are atherosclerosis and diabetes. Atherosclerosis leads to accumulation of atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessel walls, which may restrict or even inhibit blood flow in a blood vessel. In the course of diabetes, on the other hand, blood vessel walls are damaged in two ways. On the one hand, diabetes causes increased risk of atherosclerotic lesions, and on the other hand, protein glycation is intensified. In order to diagnose these causes during a pre-treatment appointment, a physician usually refers the Patient to a number of tests.